Friday 6 January 2012

Getting Ready to Start (Its an effort in itself)

So today is my very first blog entry. I've decided to keep a blog because I'm aiming to run a Marathon on the 30th of September and reckon this will be a good way to keep me motivated.

Why have I decided to run a Marathon? Good Question - couple of reasons:
Firstly, I Had a bad fall this time last year where I broke a couple of bones in my ankle, It was a long and tough road to recovery with operations and screws and plates and two beautifully attractive scars, but the last thing the Asshole-McChip-on-his-shoulder Surgeon said to me at my last medical assessment was "Basically you'll be able to run a marathon on this ankle eventually" immediately follwed by "though it is amost certain that athritis will set in early" - Cheers buddy!!!!
So I've decided to take cheery chops at his word, and attempt to run a marathon on this ankle - before athritis sets in of course.
Secondly, I rarely ever complete things in which I set out to do, everyone I know will back me up on this one, but I'm fed up of it, now this time, I reckoned, if i tell the world bout this idea of mine, it will be far more humiliating to pull out of.
Finally, sad as it may sound, I don't personally feel I've done anything in my life in which I can be truely proud of. sure people say "aw but you completed college bla bla bla" yeah thats great, but people do that every year and its a pretty normal thing.......marathon on the other hand, not everyone can say they've done a marathon, and if i can prove to myself that i can be strict enough to do this, it'll definately be the proudest moment of my life so far :)

Training officially starts on Sunday. I have a 9 month schedue on my wall by my bed so that its the first thing looking back at me when i wake up in the morning. it's my birhday at the end of the month and everyone has been instructed to only provide running gear in my presents. the stuff i have just now has seen better days.

SO>>> Pretty excited tbh, been running round the local park most days this week, just trying to get a feel for running again and get the ankle moving for Sunday!!! let's see how long this excitement keeps up lol.

Follow my progress with me a feel free to comment or give any advice, all much appreciated.....unless its rude or abbusive in which case i'm sure it'll give me a laugh :D

Wish me Luck


  1. Good luck with your journey. Don't forget to get some good shoes. sweatshop are great because they have decently priced shoes sometimes the slightly older model of a shoe but just as importantly have a 30 day exchange policy so if the shoes don't work out, you can swap them for some others. Highly recommended.

  2. thanks so much :D i definately will look on there, i reckon i'll go through a couple of pairs of shoes so be good to get discounted ones :D
